"I love her cause she got her own"
Every so often an artist comes out with a song that motivates women to aim to be the "Independent Woman." And I'm all for it. It's good to see a female who has worked her way up society's standards of success without the reliance on a man. However, after listening to both of Neyo's new songs, "Miss Independent" and "She Got Her Own," I'm starting to wonder if this is just a ploy to get ladies to begin "trickin" since "they got it"?
Honestly, the lyrics continually repeating, "It's coo, I got it" has to be some sort of voodoo/subliminal message to inspire more women to take care of their significant other's bills, expenses, and/or checks. Why do I think, "her favorite thing to say, don't worry I got it"is going to soon turn into his favorite thing she says. I'm definitely not knocking Neyo's effort to glorify the independence of a women but even Beyonce implies in "Upgrade You," "anything [he]you cop[s] I'll split the bill." Dividing the expenses sounds much more reasonable. How come it can't be cool to be an independent women yet still get half way treated out on a date? Or why isn't there a mutual understanding that in any case if an established man and woman are dating they should make it equal by splitting the check like Beyonce and Jay-Z would? Hey, thats still an upgrade!
I want to be an independent woman. But as of now, I am claimed on my mothers taxes and probably will be for as long as she can stretch it. I go to college to someday purchase everything on my own. Depending on a man is definitely not an option. However, taking a man out and buying him all his "new new shit" is not an option either. I am a firm believer in equality. And although men have had it tough for many centuries when it comes to being the "bread winner," they should still understand the consequences of allowing their "independent queen" to take care of everything. Soon men will have to take care of the children, the house, and they will become burdened with trying to stay pretty for their women. Just Kidding!! But just split the check got damnit! All problems will be solved, trust me.